its no secret that we live in a culture that seeks to feminize or neutralize everything and emasculate men and manhood. any discerning eye and ear can see that in our culture. but its disheartening to a whole new level when we see it in the church.
a few years ago, Zondervan published the more 'gender neutral' TNIV, which didn't do very well in sales and popularity. they've made some changes in the TNIV and are releasing a new 'version' as the 2011 NIV, which retains 75% of the translation errors that the TNIV had. this is not just an attempt to neutralize language that was originally arguably neutral; its the neutralization of language that was originally masculine. its a huge deal, and churches that adopt the use of this version will instantly open doors to major doctrinal errors.
i won't belabor here, but just wanted to give a snapshot of the issue. but i do commend this link. the Counsel on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has published an evaluation / report on the gender language of the 2011 NIV. we as Christians should read this and be informed... so that we don't get caught in this trap ourselves, and so we can help others who are uninformed. so check out the CBMW report here:
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