
'...as of first importance...'

a reminder that our worship must, without exception, be centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ...

'for i delivered to you as of first importance what i also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.' -1 cor. 15.3

'the cross stands for all that was accomplished through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God. it focuses on his substitutionary death at calvary but includes everything that gave meaning to that act. his preexistent state in glory. his incarnation. his life of perfect obedience. his suffering. his ressurection. his ascension. his present intercession and reign in glory. his triumphant return. it is Christ's atoning sacrifice for our sins that the new testament writers continually return to as a main focus both for worship and for life.' -bob kauflin

'Christ is to us just what his cross is. All that Christ was in heaven or on earth was put into what he did there... you do not understand Christ until you understand his cross.' -p.t. forsyth

1 comment:

Ticy & Manu said...

Hello! You don´t know me. I was looking for a kind of ministry that used snowboard as a tool for evangelism, for I have worked with Surfers for Christ but now am in a very cold and without waves place.
So I found you in a snowboard community and then your blog. I wonder if you know something about it. If not, thank you in advance and sorry for bugging.