conviction. condemnation.
what do these words bring up in your mind? are their meanings clearly different? do they seem like the same thing? or does thinking about them just bring up a muck of confusion?
whether or not we call them by their names, every Christian struggles at one time or another with understanding the difference between them. maybe not so much in defining them... but absolutely in working through them practically. the difference between them is huge, though... and critically important to our working out of obedience and experiencing freedom in Christ. i want to encourage us with this, but first i'll address a couple of things that i think will help 'set the stage'.
i think part of our struggle comes from our tendency to try to see right and wrong as polar opposites... with separate origins. white on one side; black on the other. conviction on one side; condemnation on the other. i know i personally battle this. i'm an INCREDIBLY black and white person. right is right; wrong is wrong; no confusion. its true that confusion is not the work of God, but the work of our enemy (1 cor. 14.33). so right IS right; wrong IS wrong. gray often stems from us blurring up the lines with our lame attempts to justify our sinful cravings. if we go back to the origin of who God is and who satan is... we find God to be creative in nature, while satan is corruptive. God created ALL things for His glory, man and his desires included. satan did not create new desires in man to wreck his heart OR objects for those desires to draw him to. instead, he simply twisted what God created with the introduction of sin. so now, the difference is that man seeks to expend his passions and resources to elevate, glorify and satisfy himself with his desires and the good things God has created... instead of elevating, glorifying and extolling God. i'll develop this briefly, but try not to go off on too far a tangent, as this isn't really the purpose here.
but look at any sin, and you can trace it back to an originally good thing. i'll go straight for a 'big' one. fornication/adultery/porn. the problem is not sex or our desire for it. God created sex and our drives. the problem is idolatry. sexual intimacy was created by God to be an awesome thing, enjoyed to the absolute heights of pleasure... and He set boundaries to preserve it. Satan did not create sex but he corrupted man's heart to desire his own satisfaction in sex on his own terms, outside of the boundaries God created for its enjoyment. satan did not create anything new... but he introduced sin, shifting our hearts to want to BE god, instead of worshiping our God. so i think understanding that... God as creative and Creator / satan as highjacker, perverter, liar... is important. satan's first conversation in scripture, in the garden, was 'did God really say?' how dangerous the ground we tread when we question the literality of God's Word.
so basically... God is the creator of all things good. satan is not creative... but corruptive.
moving back toward topic... i believe understanding this applies to the correct understanding of conviction and condemnation. how so? because when we believe that one thing is polar opposite from another, we logically expect them to look and act and present themselves in dramatically different ways. what i'd suggest is that conviction and condemnation stem from the same root. the difference is not where they come from. the difference lies in this... do we believe and apply the COMPLETE Gospel shown to us in Scripture, or do we listen to the enemy preach an INCOMPLETE gospel to us. did i just suggest that the enemy preaches the gospel? yes, i did. stay with me.
2 Corinthians 7.8-10... 'for even if i made you grieve with my letter, i do not regret it - though i did regret it, for i see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. as it is, i rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. for you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. for godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.' (emphasis mine)
in his previous letter, paul had addressed sin in the corinthian church. his shining the light of the truth on their sin caused grief... as it should. when our regenerate hearts see our sin in the light of God's holiness and demands of obedience, our hearts should grieve. sin and the Spirit cannot live in harmony together. the Spirit shines light on sin... and if we tolerate sin in our hearts then we grieve the spirit (eph. 4.30, eph. 4.17-32). this 'grief' we experience over seeing and understanding our sin is conviction. defines convict as... 'to prove or declare guilty of an offense; to impress with a sense of guilt.' when we're convicted, we see our guilt of an offense. conviction is a work or the Holy Spirit and is evidence of the grace of God at work in our hearts. love is the driver of God's discipline of His own. hebrews 12.5b-6 and proverbs 3.11-12 -- 'my son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. for the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.' (emphasis mine) so, conviction reveals sin and shows guilt, and discipline is love. it is NOT condemnation to see our sin, grieve over it, and in that moment feel the weight of it. conviction is grace. discipline is mercy. seeing our sin is the Spirit at work.
now, here's the pivotal moment. what differentiates conviction from condemnation? it is what we DO with it.
'for godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.'
we can call conviction godly grief , and condemnation worldly grief. when the Spirit convicts us of sin in our lives, we MUST go to the cross. our God is holy and just! sin against Him demands punishment. guilt demands sentence. romans 6.23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. but it ALSO tells us that the free gift of grace is eternal life. CHRIST lived perfection FOR us. we must pursue obedient lives in Christ, but we do so because we're forgiven, NOT to purchase our forgiveness or pay for our sins. here are two verses that i preach to myself when i'm feeling condemnation...
Isaiah 53.5-6 - 'But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. all we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.' (emphasis mine)
notice the exchange! is there any confusion here over who paid for ALL the sin and who experiences the FULLNESS of grace?? NO! CHRIST bore the wrath; WE know the grace. praise Him!! NOW... if that is true... then what is the implication for us when dealing with seeing sin in our lives? GO TO THE CROSS! charitie bancroft penned the hymn that says it way better than i could... 'when satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within [condemnation] / upward i look and see HIM there, who made and end to ALL my sin / because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free / for God the just is satisfied to look on HIM and pardon ME!'
NOW, because of that exchange...
Romans 8.1-3 -- 'there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. for the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. for God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh...'
conviction is when, by the illumination of the Spirit in our hearts, we see our sin. it produces repentance that leads to salvation without regret. condemnation is when we DON'T apply the whole gospel to conviction. we see our sin, but we try to bear the weight of it and pay for it ourselves... which is why it is an endless cycle of despair. because we can't pay for our sin. if we could, Christ crucified would have been unnecessary.
so i said that satan preaches the gospel to us. this is what i mean. satan tells us that we're sinners (romans 3.23). that we're corrupt and worthless (romans 3.10-12; psalm 14.1-3; psalm 53.1). that we're disconnected from God without hope of reconciliation (ephesians 2.12). that none with sin in their hearts can stand before the Lord in His holiness (1 samuel 6.20). that we have to be clean before we can even think about coming to God (psalm 24.3-4). that we deserve to die (romans 6.23). that there's nothing we can do to be forgiven (romans 3.20). now what does all of that do to your heart? sounds hopeless, doesn't it? its SUPPOSED to! all of this is Scripture. (side note: are you seeing how dangerous it is for your heart to NOT know the whole Word?) all of this is true! but satan's lies that he uses to press our hearts down under condemnation are not stand-alone realities. they're half-truths. they're scriptural realities taken out of context (not that they're not true, because they are; but incomplete truth is truth out of context). we can even look at satan's tempting of Jesus in matthew 4. did satan say, "look at this great evil! go for it!' no. he used scripture and recitation of the attributes of God's character out of context to try to trip Jesus up. why should we expect any different? here's the thing: satan preaches the 'gospel' without Christ. all of the scriptures above are true. but they're meant to lead us to Christ. if we don't move from those to Christ, not only are we missing the point of those truths, but we're inevitably going to live in condemnation.
we WERE sinners, BUT CHRIST came into the world to save sinners (1 timothy 1.15). in our sin, we WERE corrupt and worthless, BUT CHRIST bore our corruption on the cross, and IN CHRIST we are clean and worthy because of HIS righteousness (2 corinthians 5.21). we WERE disconnected from God without hope of reconciliation, BUT IN CHRIST we have been united with Christ in his death AND resurrection (romans 6.5) and reconciled to God, in Him (colossians 1.21-22; 2 corinthians 5.18; romans 5.10). and THERE... IS... THEREFORE... NOW... NO... CONDEMNATION!! what's the qualifier?? to THOESE who are IN CHRIST JESUS!! for the Spirit of Life has set us FREE from sin and death. (romans 8.1-2). PRAISE HIM!! PRAISE HIM!!
so TO HELL with satan and his condemnation! don't let satan preach an incomplete gospel to you... which really isn't the gospel at all. if you've surrendered your life to Christ, you're His now. know and believe the whole gospel! when you experience conviction... repent. behold the Holy God who cannot tolerate sin... AND behold Christ who paid for all your sin! see your sin and grieve over it... but do not forget to move from that to BUT CHRIST. behold God's wrath and justice. but do NOT behold them without ALSO beholding Christ on the cross, bearing ALL of that wrath and satisfying ALL of that justice.
2 corinthians 5.21 -- 'for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God'
PRAISE HIM!! THANK Him for the grace of conviction. repent and know total forgiveness in Christ crucified. live in the VICTORY we have in CHRIST, because of the cross!! and send condemnation back to hell where it came from, by every day preaching the complete gospel to your own heart... and believing it!
Embracing Accusation
shane and shane
the father of lies
coming to steal, kill and destroy
all my hopes of being good enough
i hear him say, 'cursed are the ones
who can’t abide.'
he’s right; halleluia, he’s right!
the devil is preaching the song of the redeemed
that i am cursed and gone astray
i cannot gain salvation
embracing accusation
could the father of lies
be telling the truth of God to me tonight?
if the penalty of sin is death, then death is mine
i hear him say, 'cursed are the ones who can’t abide.'
he’s right; halleluia, he’s right!
the devil is preaching the song of the redeemed
that i am cursed and gone astray
i cannot gain salvation
oh the devil’s singing over me an age old song
that i am cursed and gone astray
singing the first verse so conveniently
oh, but he’s forgotten the refrain -- JESUS SAVES!!